Day 6- Research and further reading


Book by Tristan Taormino

A highly recommended book from me to you. It really pulls no punches.

So because when I decided to be poly I had no idea what I was doing and how to manage a multitude of new feelings and emotions I had some books recommended to me and I am now going to pass those on. Most of these books have been written with non- monogamy and polyamory in mind or at the forefront, but some are, I think, just good books about relationships. So here we go in no particular order.

·      More than two (controversial but has been helpful in some parts) by Eve Rickert and Franklin Veaux

·      Opening up- Tristan Taormino

·      The Gifts of Imperfection- Brene Brown

·      Podcasts- Loving without boundaries

There are also some great articles and groups you can join if you are so inclined.

I am sure there are many more out there, these are just the ones that have helped me and so far.


Where do I go from here? Or should I say, where do we go from here? Well it would be hard for me to even predict where the next chapter takes me. For any confusion, Tom is not going anywhere, he is my boyfriend and we look to a happy future full of change, communication and love. There have also been new people that have entered my life lately and I do not know what the future holds there either.


I end poly week by saying this. A year ago in life I was not where I am now and a year from now I will probably be somewhere I also didn’t expect. But what I do know is this, I will continue to love and be loved, to cuddle, to be openly and happily sexual (and safely) To be open to change and continue learning about communication.


That is it I guess. Stay wonderful you bunch of glorious pineapples. xx






Day 5- The Tough Stuff